The content is insecure as shown by Icecat. That happens because either
scripts are included (did not check it) which are with
http://or images
(I did check it).
When website wants to provide secure and non-secure version, in that
case, one shall check all links to scripts and images, that they can be
accessed by secure browsing, and then instead of writing http://, one
can simply write // like <img src="//www.gnu.org/some-image.jpg">
Small remark to the page with packages: it is in few lines,
which makes editing, even with Emacs harder. There shall be new lines or
indenting after > or after each package. Otherwise it makes editing the
HTML very hard (I know there is source, but looking inside of HTML is
The package descriptions shall not be opened by Javascript but on the
long run, each package shall get its own page, and of course there shall
be search engine, just like with Debian. This all becomes totally easy
with guix being Guile module, and exciting.
On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 09:28:23AM +0100, Ludovic Courtès wrote:
Toggle quote (14 lines)
> Jean Louis <guix@rcdrun.com> skribis:
> > The icecat is reporting insecure content on:
> > https://gnu.org/software/guix/packages/
> >
> > and it shall be corrected, as package "Expand" is not visible.
> I believe this is no longer the case, or at least IceCat 38.6.0-gnu1
> does not show any such problem here.
> Could you confirm?
> Thanks,
> Ludo’.