Kyle Meyer <> skribis:
Toggle quote (16 lines)
> (Ludovic Courtès) writes:
>> I can reproduce the bug with:
>> guix environment --pure --ad-hoc r -- R
> [...]
>> Might be useful to report it upstream?
> Yes. In preparing to do so, I figured that I should reproduce the issue
> with a build outside of Guix. However, when I tried with a manual build
> on an Arch Linux system, the snippet ran fine. This was with gcc
> version 5.2.0, so I switched the gfortran input of openblas over to
> gfortran-5, which seems to fix the issue.
Toggle quote (3 lines)
> While the issue should still be reported upstream, would it be OK to
> update the gfortran input to gfortran-5?
The problem is that this leads to an R linked against GCC 4.9’s libgcc_s
and other run-time support libraries, and also against those of GCC 5.2,
via OpenBLAS. I think we’d rather avoid it.
An additional data point:
Toggle snippet (47 lines)
$ guix environment --pure --ad-hoc r valgrind -- R -d valgrind
/gnu/store/jb11p396a277rndb52da20ygdksccji8-r-3.2.2/bin/R: line 8: uname: command not found
==3198== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==3198== Copyright (C) 2002-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==3198== Using Valgrind-3.11.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==3198== Command: /gnu/store/jb11p396a277rndb52da20ygdksccji8-r-3.2.2/lib/R/bin/exec/R
R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14) -- "Fire Safety"
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> M <- 50
> N <- 500
> eigen(crossprod(matrix(rnorm(M * N), M, N)))
==3198== Invalid read of size 8
==3198== at 0x8E400E0: dgemv_t_SANDYBRIDGE (in /gnu/store/hw9p1zyn1nh8pbm1cl69nm0i391lk6c7-openblas-0.2.15/lib/
==3198== by 0x183AED48: dlatrd_ (in /gnu/store/jb11p396a277rndb52da20ygdksccji8-r-3.2.2/lib/R/lib/
==3198== by 0x18461F92: dsytrd_ (in /gnu/store/jb11p396a277rndb52da20ygdksccji8-r-3.2.2/lib/R/lib/
==3198== by 0x184B9540: dsyevr_ (in /gnu/store/jb11p396a277rndb52da20ygdksccji8-r-3.2.2/lib/R/lib/
==3198== by 0x1B742D5E: La_rs (in /gnu/store/jb11p396a277rndb52da20ygdksccji8-r-3.2.2/lib/R/modules/
==3198== by 0x1B745B96: mod_do_lapack (in /gnu/store/jb11p396a277rndb52da20ygdksccji8-r-3.2.2/lib/R/modules/
==3198== by 0x4F35635: bcEval (in /gnu/store/jb11p396a277rndb52da20ygdksccji8-r-3.2.2/lib/R/lib/
==3198== by 0x4F432DF: Rf_eval (in /gnu/store/jb11p396a277rndb52da20ygdksccji8-r-3.2.2/lib/R/lib/
==3198== by 0x4F48F4B: Rf_applyClosure (in /gnu/store/jb11p396a277rndb52da20ygdksccji8-r-3.2.2/lib/R/lib/
==3198== by 0x4F4345E: Rf_eval (in /gnu/store/jb11p396a277rndb52da20ygdksccji8-r-3.2.2/lib/R/lib/
==3198== by 0x4F6B0D9: Rf_ReplIteration (in /gnu/store/jb11p396a277rndb52da20ygdksccji8-r-3.2.2/lib/R/lib/
==3198== by 0x4F6B430: R_ReplConsole (in /gnu/store/jb11p396a277rndb52da20ygdksccji8-r-3.2.2/lib/R/lib/
==3198== Address 0xfb0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
*** caught segfault ***
address 0xfb0, cause 'memory not mapped'
Here this suggests an R issue more than an OpenBLAS problem.