Eric Bavier wrote 11 years ago
(address .
Hello Guix,
From a fresh checkout of the guix source, a vpath build fails when
trying to create doc/images/bootstrap-graph.png:
$ git clone git://
$ cd guix && ./bootstrap
$ mkdir build && cd build && ../configure
$ make
/bin/bash /tmp/guix/build-aux/missing dot -Tpng -Gratio=.9 -Gnodesep=.005 -Granksep=.00005 -Nfontsize=9 -Nheight=.1 -Nwidth=.1 < "../doc/images/" > "doc/images/bootstrap-graph.png.tmp"
/bin/bash: doc/images/bootstrap-graph.png.tmp: File or directory not found
Makefile:3318: recipe for target 'doc/images/bootstrap-graph.png' failed
make[2]: *** [doc/images/bootstrap-graph.png] Error 1
$ ls doc
$ mkdir doc/images
$ make
$ echo $?
After configure I don't see a "doc" directory, so it's being created at
some point, but it looks like the doc/images directory isn't being
created before make wants to put bootstra-graph.png there.
I don't recall running into this problem a couple days ago.